Empower Your Political Career.

Empowering Democracy, Elevating Governance: Your Partner In Political Excelence.


Political strategists have organized their political plans via Tano Tena.

The Platform

Streamlined political management tools for politicians and their teams, including bill monitoring, constituents management, and bursary distribution. Offers compliance tools, financing features, and personnel management. Tano Fresh provides support for new political aspirants.


Bill Management System

Effortlessly monitor and analyze legislative bills, with optional human and AI analysis.

Constituents Management System (CRM)

Organize constituents by location for targeted engagement and effective database management.

Bursary Management

Simplify online application and management of bursary distribution processes.

Campaign Management

Enhanced dashboards, custom call sheets, powerful reports, and mobile-responsive design for streamlined campaign operations.

Opponent Profile

Track and organize information about political opponents for strategic planning.

Tano Fresh (First-time Aspirant Platform)

Specialized support for first-time political aspirants or those returning to politics.

3 MPs have shared their experiences with Tano Tena

What Our MPs Say

"Tano Tena has revolutionized the way I manage my political affairs. From bill monitoring to constituent management, it offers all the tools I need to succeed."

Newton Kulu

Member of Parliament

"As a seasoned politician, I highly recommend Tano Tena to all my colleagues. It's intuitive, efficient, and indispensable for anyone serious about political excellence."

Bill Cili

Member of Parliament

"Tano Tena has been instrumental in streamlining my campaign operations and improving engagement with constituents. It's a game-changer for modern politicians."

William Bili

Member of Parliament

Tano Tena

Empowering Democracy, Elevating Governance: Your Partner In Political Excelence.


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